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Amazon expanding into local services

Amazon wants to take over everything. Whether you are trying to get your groceries, books, or electronics, Amazon now has a way for you to do that from a computer. The next step for the online retailer is reportedly local services like babysitters, according to sources close to the company. Reuters says that Amazon will move into the local services industry in a way that is similar to Amazon Fresh and will start in just one market for a test run.

Connecting customers with plumbers, babysitters, handymen, etc, seems to be the goal of the local services business that Amazon is starting. Amazon's reach could make its offer far more attractive than similar services that are provided by a handful of companies already. Most of the companies that offer a service similar to what Amazon is planning are not even household names which is clearly not be a problem for Amazon.

Sources have told Reuters that in the past few months, Amazon has been reaching out to both startups and service providers in two markets, Seattle and San Francisco. Where Amazon's first local services market will be was not mentioned in the report, though it will likely be in either California or Washington.

Via [ Reuters]

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