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Amazon makes next product launch a public spectacle

The e-commerce company invites its customers to see CEO Jeff Bezos at the launch of a new device. Could it be the Amazon smartphone?

Amazon is unveiling a new device that it thinks will wow customers, and its inviting the public to apply for a spot at its launch event in Seattle later this month.

The e-commerce giant tweeted a link to its online invite form Wednesday, telling customers to 'Join Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos for our launch event,' on June 18. People have to submit a request for access and customers are required to write why they want to attend (they can additionally submit video to make their cases). Amazon is also taking submissions from developers and journalists.

Hints from Amazon's Twitter account indicate that the device could be the long-rumored Amazon smartphone. A video posted in one of the tweets depicts people looking down at an off-screen device in their hands, exclaiming things like, 'awesome,' 'it moved with me, ' and 'I don't think I've ever seen anything like this.' Previous reports about the phone indicated that it would have 3-D technology that would make objects appear to leap off the screen.

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