Mark Wahlberg's 'miserable' diet lost him 60 pounds
Talk about total transformation -- Mark Wahlberg completed filming on Transformers: Age of Extinction and then battled his weight down 60 pounds for his next movie part.
Wahlberg explains that he went from 197 pounds to 137 pounds for his role in the upcoming drama The Gambler.
'I lost 60 pounds jumping rope and being on a liquid diet,' says Wahlberg. 'It was me being miserable for four months.'
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The remake of the 1974 film (which originally starred James Caan) also features Michael K. Williams and Jessica Lange. Pictures on the February 2014 set show an emaciated Wahlberg, who plays a literature professor with many addictions, including gambling.
Wahlberg admits that his Transformers director Michael Bay saw him during the making of The Gambler and was taken aback by his appearance.
'(Bay) said that he thought I was dying,' says Wahlberg.
But Wahlberg insists he did the weight loss in the healthiest way possible under professional supervision. But he had to deal with mood swings and generally being hungry all the time.
'I craved everything and anything, mostly the (stuff) I don't eat. Like pizza,' says the health-conscious Wahlberg.
The moment filming was complete, Wahlberg admits he pigged out in a glorious way.
'I had pancakes, eggs-over-easy, hash browns, real bacon and English muffins,' says Wahlberg. 'I felt sick for two days.'
Wahlberg is back up to his normal weight as Transformers: Age of Extinction heads to the big screen.
Check out the June 20-22 edition of USA WEEKEND for more from Bryan Alexander's interview with Mark Wahlberg. Also in this issue: best summer concert tours, cocktails, movies and more.
As for The Gambler, due out in 2015? 'That movie is going to be great,' says Wahlberg.
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