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What is the "right to be forgotten"?

The 'right to be forgotten' doesn't mean you can wipe your online slate clean. Photo: Jennifer Soo

The 'right to be forgotten' has recently been enshrined by Europe's highest court, ordering search engine operators to delete links containing old or misleading personal information. A win for privacy or a new form of online censorship? Mahesh Sharma unravels the web and asks: could it happen here?

What is the 'right to be forgotten'?

Online, your personal information, including photos, rants and records, is preserved forever. In this perpetual public domain, sustained by voracious online search engines like Google, a history of crime, misdemeanour or unfounded allegations, resolved or redeemed long ago, can continue to dog your present - besmirching your reputation and limiting your future. An international movement has been campaigning for a new right to have links to such material removed.

What exactly does Google 'remember' about people, and why?

Google's billions are derived from ads published alongside links to web pages that appear when a user searches for information on the internet. Behind the scenes, computerised 'spiders' retrieve, record, and organise the massive number of web links created on a daily basis, including news stories. These are permanently stored on servers and disclosed upon request, in the form of search results.

Why is this an issue now?

Earlier this month, the European Union's Court of Justice upheld the complaint of Spanish national Mario Costeja Gonzalez who, in 2010, demanded Google remove links to two newspaper stories - about his real-estate auction in 1998 to pay social security debts -which appeared prominently whenever people searched for his name.

This new ' right to be forgotten' gives people the ability to erase old links on search engines containing 'irrelevant', 'outdated' or 'excessive' personal information. European citizens' dignity has been prioritised ahead of the interest of internet users, the public, and Google's own economic pursuits.

Importantly, despite the fact Google doesn't process data in Europe, the judges decided that its localised profit-generating operations held it accountable to the region's citizens. The ruling applies to all search engines, including Yahoo! and Microsoft's Bing. In its American homeland, Google has used the defences of freedom of speech and information to swat away similar concerns.

So I can ask for Google to delete any links that I'm not happy with?

In order to request a deletion, you, or a relation, such as a spouse or attorney, must be associated with the link, which refers to information that is 'outdated,' 'inadequate,' 'irrelevant,' and 'excessive.'

What if Google doesn't agree to my request?

Google has full discretion in evaluating users' claims. It has promised to evaluate each individual request, which exceeded 40,000 in the first few days - a rate of seven per minute - after an online form was made available. However, it will consider whether there is a public interest case, such as financial scams, professional malpractice, or criminal convictions, for retaining the information. If a person isn't happy with the result, the European judges said they can take the matter before a supervisory or judicial authority.

Does 'forgotten' information disappear from the internet forever?

The ruling only applied to Google and other search engines, the court said, not the publisher of the original news articles (which acted 'lawfully' in their publication of the original story). So while the links will still be on the internet, the 'right to be forgotten' just makes them tougher to find. Further, they will only be erased from EU-member country search engines, and can still be found on search engines based outside Europe.

What does this mean for Australians?

The European Union's Data Protection Directive was adopted in 1995 in order to protect its citizens' dignity. For people living outside Europe there is reportedly another form to apply for links to be erased, but Google is under no obligation to do so.

The Australian Law Reform Commission last year released a discussion paper titled ' Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era', in which it was suggested that there could be the introduction of a new principle ensuring the 'right to be forgotten'. Submissions closed on May 12 and a number of parties, including Privacy Victoria and the Australian Privacy Foundation, supported the proposal. The ALRC will provide its final report to the Attorney-General by the end of June.

Is this a win for individual privacy or a new form of creeping censorship?

Very early in their findings the judges made it clear that Google, and other search engines, profit from organising the world's information. Search engines already censor themselves at the behest of large industries - such as removing links to websites hosting pirated media content - but the judges sought to secure the same privileges for individuals; whose information, and engagement, supports the search engines' successful business model.

While 'disappointed', Google is satisifying its initial obligations and promised to work with data protection authorities. However, it has also coralled a high-profile advisory committee (stacked with freedom of expression advocates including Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales) to devise a robust response to the privacy measures.

The European Union said that the findings strike a balance between the right to free information and the right to be forgotten.

Ironically, in Mario Costeja Gonzalez's efforts to conceal an undesirable past, the EU's pioneering privacy directives ensure his decades-old actions live on in perpetuity.

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