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Nash's NSFW Description of Kobe

Many people have nothing but flattering things to say about Kobe Bryant, but Los Angeles Lakers point guard Steve Nash had some pretty strong words to describe his teammate. And the Black Mamba loved every bit of it.

This week's issue of Sports Illustrated featured a very in-depth piece on Bryant by Chris Ballard. The article touched on quite a few things, but nothing stood out more than a story about how Nash described the Black Mamba to Gotham Chopra, the director of Bryant's upcoming Showtime documentary.

During filming, Chopra interviewed a number of Bryant's teammates, current and former, and he asked them to describe Bryant in three words. After each interview Kobe would text Chopra, eager to hear what people said. Most answered with some variation of 'the ultimate competitor' or 'killer instinct.' But when Chopra asked Steve Nash, he said something different. After thinking for a moment, Nash answered, slowly, in three beats: 'Mother . . . f------ . . . a------.'

Those are some, um, interesting ways to describe a teammate. Words like that may offend some people, but not Bryant.

'Kobe thought this was awesome.'

That probably surprises nobody.

People around the league always say how intense Bryant is, even in practice. He may not always get along with everyone, but that's only because he has a strong desire to win. Although that kind of personality may not make him the most likable person, it's not a bad way to approach a career.

Rather than be politically correct with his answer, Nash was open and honest. His honesty just happened to create an awesome quote.

[h/t Yahoo Finance/Business Insider]

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