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Play Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare One Day Early With the Day Zero Edition

Preorder the upcoming game and you'll be able to get your hands on it (and some special content) on November 3.

At the conclusion of its multiplayer reveal event today, Activision announced the Day Zero edition of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. By preordering, you'll get this special edition of the game that includes some in-game bonuses. More excitingly, you'll be able to get your hands on it one day early.

The Day Zero edition will be available starting on November 3 on all platforms ( Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC), while the regular version will be released on November 4 as previously announced. In addition to early access, players will receive two custom weapons--the AK-12G assault rifle and Crossbow-B2--in addition to the Advanced Arsenal bonuses (the Bullet Brass exoskeleton and EM1 directed-energy weapon).

Along with getting to play the game early, Day Zero owners will be entitled to a double XP event all day long on November 3.

As it's a separate version of the game with its own box, the Day Zero edition will be available in limited quantities. The game's official website notes that, if it's not available at the retailer you preorder through, you can receive a refund, or you can purchase the regular version of the game early and get a download code for Day Zero's special content.

Collector's edition preorderers will be able to get their copy a day early, and will receive the custom weapons included with the Day Zero edition. Anyone who preorders a digital version of Advanced Warfare will also get the Day Zero content and be able to play a day early.

For more on Advanced Warfare, check out our rundown of today's multiplayer reveal and our new hands-on preview.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email

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