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Pokemon Finally Launches On iPad... As A Card Game


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Pokemon is finally heading to iPad, but don't get your hopes up just yet: it won't be in the way that you're expecting.

While you probably know it best as an RPG, Pokemon is actually launching only in its card game form.

The news was revealed by Twitter user @TheJWittz who managed to sneak a hands-on picture of the trading card game running on iPad.

It looks like Pokémon TCGO is in works for the iPad! Should be a huge way to expand the game. #PlayPokemon

- Josh Wittenkeller (@TheJWittz) August 15, 2014

A Pokemon official later confirmed that the game would be unveiled at the Pokemon World Championships this weekend.

The game will be looking to take on the likes of Hearthstone by offering an easy-to-play addictive multiplayer experience, there's no word on micro transactions but considering how the mobile gaming world is evolving we'd expect them to be as present as ever.

Nintendo has famously refused to allow any of its characters to port over to mobile or competing console, which is hardly surprising when you look back at the effect Mario Kart 8 had on sales of the Wii U (hint: it boosted them, a lot).

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