SOE All Access on PS4 is a 'possibility' according to John Smedley
Last week we got a chance to attend SOE Live 2014, a yearly event hosted by the good folks at SOE where fans come together to celebrate games like EverQuest, PlanetSide 2 and DC Universe Online, while the devs get to share awesome new surprises coming to each game.
We got a chance to sit down with John Smedley, President of SOE, and chat about their upcoming titles like H1Z1, as well as their successful All Access program for PC, which gives player unlimited access to premium content in all of their games.
Of course, the burning question was if All Access would ever make its way to the PS4, especially since we already have DCUO, and PlanetSide 2 coming later this year, and H1Z1 announced for it as well. It wasn't likely.
It's just at policy thing with the PlayStation Network,' he told us.
'The reason for that is pretty basic. Our games can run on PC or PlayStation 4. If a PC player spends money buying something, that can't be brought into the PlayStation 4 world. Because in that case, the console holder - in this case Sony - wouldn't get a piece of it,' he explained. 'Now because we're a Sony company, obviously they get a piece of it that way, but policy wise if you start to look at it that's the 'why.' They don't want to get these revenue streams crossed.'
However, I did ask whether it would ever be possible for PS4 users to get their own All Access program, separate from the one on PC, and to that I got a much more positive response.
'That's a very different story,' he said when we proposed such an idea, 'and I wouldn't want to promise anything, but it's something that we're interested in working with Sony. It just needs to kind of be carefully managed.'
With games like PlanetSide 2 and H1Z1 making their way to the PS4, and we're willing to be EverQuest Next might be making the jump as well, it would only seem natural that console players get some sort of bundled deal like PC players.
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