4 Features Windows Phone 10 needs to steal from other OSes
Windows Phone 8.1 is an update that is massively polarizing. On the one hand, it has brought some much needed change into the OS and has dragged it well into maturity, on the other hand, it has removed some much loved features like the Media hub, Pictures panorama etc. In other words, there's no denying that Microsoft needs a new no holds barred update which improves the OS without removing much. On that note, here are four things that I think Microsoft could do well to add from competing OSes in Windows Phone 10;
The BlackBerry Hub(BB10) - For an OS which has had hubs for a long time, one would think that Microsoft would follow up on it's initial concept. Unfortunately , it was BlackBerry who took this to the next logical step. The hub in BB 10 is where all your notifications and messages live. That is, whatsapp, Viber, Skype, BBM etc. all have their inboxes linked to the hub. Microsoft can implement this by expanding the messaging hub to include all messaging apps like the games hub of before and allowing messaging apps much deeper integration into the OS, like Skype does currently.
Image credit:
NPU, xtakawindows, mobiletechworld, mobavatar.com, codemink.com, blackberryitalia.com
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