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'Two and a Half Men' sets series finale date

Cliff Lipson/CBS

CBS is finally subtracting 'Two and a Half Men' from primetime.

After years of controversy, huge ratings and huge salaries for its stars, network officials said Friday that the sitcom will come to an end on Feb. 19 after 12 seasons.

The frequently raunchy sitcom, which has weathered endless digs from critics - and even some from its stars - for racy jokes, snagged 47 Emmy Award nominations since 2003, with co-star Jon Cryer winning best actor in a comedy twice.

And despite numerous public squabbles between its stars and producers, studio executives and even some fans, the show spent five years (2005 to 2009) as the most popular sitcom on television.

It became front page news in 2011 when producers fired its star, Charlie Sheen, aftger he clashed with the show's executive producer, Chuck Lorre, and Warner Bros., the studio behind the show.


Sheen was dumped following accusations that he was showing up to work either drunk or on drugs (or both) and ended up at the center of a bizarre media blitz that only ended after he took his one-man circus on a nationwide tour that sold out theaters across the U.S.

The 'Platoon' star was replaced by Ashton Kutcher.

In another spectacular exit, Angus T. Jones - who was only 10 years old when he started on 'Men' - discovered religion and left the show last year, trashing it on his way out as 'ungodly filth.'

Even in decline, 'Men' still has decent ratings - the season is currently averaging 10.1 million viewers.

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