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Pinterest Launches Guided Search on the Web

The new search experience that hit the Pinterest mobile apps in April is now making its way to the Web - just in time for you to plan that summer get-together.

'Now when you search for something, descriptive guides will help you sift through all the good ideas from other Pinners,' Pinterest Software Engineer Yuliang Yin wrote in a blog post. 'Scroll through the guides and click any that look interesting to steer your search in the right direction. You might be surprised where you end up!'

If you search for 'BBQ' on Pinterest, for instance, you'll now see options like 'BBQ chicken,' 'BBQ party,' and 'BBQ ideas.' You can also now filter the search results by Pins, boards, or other pinners. In addition to adding these new visual guides, Pinterest put the search bar front and center to speed up your queries.

Guided Search will be available to all English-speaking users over the next few weeks. Pinterest said it plans to expand the feature to other languages at some point in the future. For more on Pinterest Guided Search, check out the video below.

Meanwhile, Pinterest has snapped up two former Apple employees to lead its engineering and design departments, according to TechCrunch. Michael Lopp, who previously lead parts of the Max OS X engineering team, will now head up the Pinterest engineering team while Bob Baxley, former Design Director for Apple's Online Store, will lead the product design and research group. Both spent more than 8 years at Apple.

For more, see PCMag's review of Pinterest.

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