Yahoo! the latest tech company to release diversity report
Yahoo! has become the latest of the major Silicon Valley companies to release a report looking at the levels of diversity within the company and appears to show similar figures to its counterparts.
The tech sector has come under increasing pressure from action groups regarding its employment of minorities and females in skilled and management positions.
While Yahoo! may buck the trend with its competitors in Google and Apple with a female CEO in the form of Marissa Mayer, the figures for the rest of the company appear to show almost identical statistics.
In terms of its overall gender breakdown, males makes up 62pc of Yahoo!'s global employee numbers, while 37pc are females and 1pc are described as other/not disclosed, almost identical to LinkedIn and better than Google.
Good news and bad news
However, Yahoo! has shown the greatest promise with its gender diversity statistics for the US, which show 50pc are white, 39pc are Asian, and 4pc are Hispanic, while black, mixed race and un-disclosed are at 2pc each.
Similar to Google, Yahoo! has also released additional information regarding its diversity in terms of tech and non-tech positions, as well as numbers in management.
Yahoo! has scored the worst so far in terms of the numbers of females in tech positions, with just 15pc, and yet they make up the majority in non-tech positions at 52pc.
The company has, however, scored slightly better than Google with 23pc of its management made up of females.
The most noticeable figure in terms of race is that Asian employees involved in tech make up the largest majority at 57pc, while 35pc are white, while in leadership 78pc of the positions are held by white members of staff in comparison with 17pc of Asian employees and others making up much smaller percentages.
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