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"Hour of Code" Comes to Larchmont, Mamaroneck

It's Billed as the Largest Learning Event in History

Monday begins Code Week.


This is another cool initiative by the STEM Alliance of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, an effort to teach kids how to write code, to create a website, an app, or who knows... It's part of a week-long Global effort aimed to directly impact 100 million kids.

Across our community - in schools and at libraries - thousands of youth will be participating in the 'Hour of Code' - the world's largest learning event in history, promoted by . The event's goal is to have 100 million youth worldwide spend at least one hour learning how to code. Thanks to Mamaroneck School District staff, librarians and STEM Alliance of Larchmont-Mamaroneck volunteers, our youth will be counted!

Starting Monday, there will be an explosion of opportunities for youth to try coding. On iPads, in computer labs, as part of math classes, during small Brown Bag lunch sessions, in full class lessons and even during nighttime parent workshops, students and families will have numerous opportunities to explore the power of coding. supporter and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said, 'In fifteen years, we'll be teaching programming just like reading and writing ... and wondering why we didn't do it sooner.'

Our communities are ahead of the curve in offering new ways to engage with technology. Jigar Jadav, Computer Science teacher at Mamaroneck High School sees Hour of Code as one of the best ways to introduce inexperienced and uncertain beginners to the basics of coding so they can see the ease of the skills, the playfulness of computer science logic and the myriad of ways that these skills can enhance their own passions.

'Once kids see that they can actually use coding to change things that matter to them - from building a website to hacking your phone apps - they move to coder and innovator quickly,' Jadav said.

James Cunningham, Tech Assistant at Mamaroneck Avenue School, agreed that there is a growing popularity of coding. 'My lunch groups for coding and robotics are over-subscribed,' Cunningham said. 'Even my youngest students are thirsty for this kind of learning, and the ones who aren't probably just haven't had a chance to try it yet,' he added.

The learning will extend beyond December as tech assistants at the elementary schools and Mr. Jadav at the high school expand afterschool offerings and grow new classroom ideas. From 'Scratch' programming lessons for students as young as kindergarten, to app developer groups at the high school, today's youth are increasingly using these skills to be the creators of technology not just its consumers.

Beyond the schools, both local libraries are offering free coding workshops led by Lee Wexler, a local parent & STEM Alliance member. Details are as follows:

Larchmont Public Library Hour of Code Workshop, Wednesday: December 10th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Grades 6 to 12. Registration required. Register here.

Mamaroneck Public Library Hour of Code Workshop: Thursday, December 11th from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Grades 5-12. Registration required. Contact Ellen McTyre in the Teen Library to reserve your spot. 914-630-5875. Limit of 10 students.

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