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Tonight's Homeland Gave Us the Most Intense 20 Minutes Ever: Our Rants and ...

Tonight on TV, Homeland blew us away yet again and The Newsroom killed off a major character! All that and more in our Rants and Raves!

RAVE: Homeland: Damn those first 20 minutes! We nearly forgot to breathe as Haqqani and his men made their way through the embassy, taking prisoners - including Fara and Max - on their hunt for Lockhart and that precious list of assets. Everything came to a head outside the vault in which Martha, Lockhart, and other embassy staffers. Haqqani demanded that they open the door, or he would start executing. The final straw for Lockhart came when Haqqani had a knife to Fara's throat, but even handing over the list couldn't save her life, as he killed her anyway. This set off a major gunfight as Quinn emerged from his hiding spot. A couple of soldiers died, but Haqqani got away, sealing the tunnel behind him.

As if that wasn't enough action, Carrie and Saul - who both survived the car bombs - had to fend off snipers back at the site of the bombing. The whole episode was fantastic, but that first half was breathtaking.

RAVE: Homeland: We're sort of excited to see Quinn back to his badass ways, even if it's sure to get him into trouble. As the episode ended, the entire embassy was headed back to the states, minus Carrie, who had asked for five days to search for Quinn, who had decided to go after Haqqani himself.

MORE: Refresh your memory with our recap of the last new episode of Homeland

RAVE: The Newsroom: While we're not at all happy to see Charlie Skinner go, he could not have died in a more appropriate way. He was right in the middle of a major fit when he collapsed. It looked like he could possibly pull through, until Mac delivered the news to her newly-freed husband: Charlie had suffered a heart attack and died. RIP, Skinner. You will be missed, as will this show.

RAVE: Once Upon a Time: That spell was exactly as fun as we were hoping it would be, at least in terms of watching Snow and Regina work out their extensive issues with an epic sword/fist fight that somehow managed to not even wake the baby up. It was awesome, and it was fun to see the Evil Queen again.

RANT: Once Upon a Time: Love saved the day? We barely tolerated that in Harry Potter, so we definitely rolled our eyes when all it took to take down Ingrid was a letter from her sister saying that she really did love her, despite the fact that she killed their other sister. We also rolled our eyes at Ingrid's cheesy death scene as she absorbed the spell.

MORE: Catch up with our most recent Rants and Raves

RANT: The Affair: It's totally illogical of us due to the nature of the show, but we like Cole too much to be happy whenever Noah and Allison get ooey gooey again. And we were super sad to see her not sitting with the Lockharts at Scottie's funeral in the future. We weren't surprised, but we were sad about it.

RAVE: The Real Housewives of Atlanta: The group gathering we have finally been waiting for occurred and it didn't disappoint. Between Kenya vs Phaedra and NeNe vs Cynthia, those last scenes were everything. And you know it's serious if Porsha manages to keep her mouth shut.

RANT: Revenge: RIP Daniel, just when we started to like you again! Read our recap here.

What did you watch tonight? Rant and rave with us in the comments!

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